Welcome to Vedis's Wicca Page!



Merry Meet to all who have stumbled upon my humble abode! I am Vedis, little known to all of you, I am sure. No fault of yours, of course! I am 14 years old, an eclectic wiccan for almost a year.

I am in the broom closet. For those of you who have not heard of the term, (I myself had not heard of it before I encountered the Net) I will explain. In the broom closet means that people do not know I am wiccan.

I can assure you that I have told a few close friends of my religion but my parents are more or less in the dark. (and will hopefully stay that way!) I have yet to encounter my situation among those sights that offer help on "coming out" of the broom closet. And so here is my documented existence in wicca...my cry for help.


I will be providing information on wicca, of course!

In the Broom Closet, the main theme of this site.

A Wicca FAQ What is wicca?

The Goddess What is she? What does she mean?

The Wheel of the Year Wiccan holidays!

Special Causes, Links, and Credits Go somewhere else! :o)

book Read My Book of Shadows

sign view
