The Wheel of the Year

The "Wheel of the Year" is like a wiccan's calendar. It shows the year as being a circle that starts over every Samhain. So, in wicca, the New Year is in October! Here's a little about the "Wheel of the Year."

Samhain. (SOWEN) This is on October 31, also called Halloween. It is usually chosen as the New Year for most pagans, but not all. This is the time of year when the Great God presides as the Lord of the Underworld, and it's also the holiday where the veil between life and death is the thinnest. It's one of the most important holidays, and a good time to pray to your ancestors.

Yule. (YOOL) This holiday is on the Winter Solstice in December. The God died, but now he is reborn to the Goddess at this holiday! This is a reason why some pagans choose this holiday as their New Year.

Imbolc (IMOLC) Celebrated on February 2nd, this is the holiday of the Celtic Fire Goddess Brighid. It is the time of year where the young God is suckling from his mother, the Goddess, who is resting from Her labour. I believe that the name of the holiday actually means "suckling" in Gaelic.

Ostara (OSTARA) This holiday is celebrated on the Vernal Equinox in March. At Ostara is the return of the Goddess and, the God is roams the earth as a child.

Beltane or Bealtinne (BELTANE or BYALCHINNA) This is also one of the most important holidays. Beltane is celebrated on May first. It is the time when the veil between the human world and the faery world is the thinnest. At this time of year, the Great God has grown, he and the Goddess have fallen in love, and they marry at Beltane.

Litha (LEETHA) Litha is celebrated on the Summer Solstice in June. It is when the Goddess and God consummate their marriage.

Lughnassadh or Lammas (LOONASA or LAMMAHS) It's celebrated on August 2nd. At this time, the God blesses the seeds to make it grow, as He did at Litha, when he planted His own seed into the womb of the Goddess (Note: the Goddess is pregnant). He also uses up his energy and prepares for his descent into the underworld.

Mabon (MAYBON)This holiday is celebrated on the Autumnal Exquinox in September. At this holiday, the God dies.