A Wicca FAQ
What is Wicca?
What is a Witch and what do they do? They usually look like everybody else. You can't see anything different, their jewelry which likely includes a pentacle, will be hidden. But if you are sensitive, you will 'feel' them; for they are in tune with Nature and emit energy or power. Now anybody can call themselves a Witch. But your
true Witch, will strictly adhere to what is called the Rede. This Rede says: 'And it harm none, do what you will.' Now this means no harm to other people, no harm t o other things, and the unstated but understood meaning: no harm to Self. Witches use magick also, and this is that natural intuitive ability that they exercise and perfect.
Many of the tools they use, also aid this ability by helping the Psychic Mind to work with Natural Talent and Natural Energies for the purpose of change. And to a Witch, change means helping, healing, and
living in harmony. They often won't even heal unless permission is granted, and the recipient understands what kind of he lp will be provided.
Now it takes more than a book and a cloak to make a Witch. A practicing Witch is one who takes responsibility for their Conscious AND Unconscious actions. Because among those things that live a long
time, Magick is one of them. It's no game to p lay nor an exercise in wishful thinking. It works! And like a chess game, one must plan well ahead, checking all avenues that spell or ritual might take. Thus knowing HOW magick works is essential. And one book, and a couple weeks reading doesn't cut the cake.
Because Witches believe in reincarnation, they have a wide view of their world. They see the soul, a spark from the Divine; as inhabiting physical body after physical body. The purpose being to learn and perfect their Soul and its Divine Spark. No need have they for a mediator, for they themselves are their own Priest and
Priestess. And between Self and the Divine, their is no barrier. They see the world and all aspects of it, as living life forces; not inert, not dead, and not our enemy to conquer. Rather a sibling spirit to live with.
Another rule recognized, is the Threefold Law. Life is a Great Circle, and what thoughts and actions are sent out onto this Circle will at some time come back - THREEFOLD! But rather than negative thoughts coming back as punishment, they are con sidered corrections. Thus are studied for improvement, rather than resented; for we
ourselves are to blame and are accountable for that we ourselves created. And just as negativity returns Threefold, so too does positive energies. The beginner Witch soon learns, that life becomes easier as they learn to send positive thoughts out, their lives become easier and richer. Spells aren't as necessary to aid themselves in problems because problems tend to not exist as much. The person feels at ease wit h themselves and their world, more at peace.
What is magick?
I often say that Magick is really a type of psychology because unlike the movies and TV shows, Magick isn't twitching your nose or snapping your fingers and things happen. It is a projection and bending of Natural Energies to produce needed chan ges. It starts with 'need' for change, and the 'emotion' that change is needed, and works because we have the 'knowledge' that it WILL work. A Witch willfully shifts consciousness, into a more attuned, psychic state; sometimes called Alpha State or L evel. This then you see, is Mind Work. To aid
the Psychic Mind, images and metaphors are called to Mind; rhyming words are used, and 'tools'. All aiding the Natural Power of the Witch's Psychic Mind, which need be exercised and honed to these abilities.
Now some of these tools would be things like a Tarot Deck of cards, various crystals including a Crystal Sphere or Ball, a Wand, Candles, etc. I would add that I and many others try to discourage the use of the Ouiji Board. Now, another tool would be the aspects of our Lord and Lady. Beliefs differ, but speaking of the belief that there is one single God and one single Goddess; their various aspects then also help Psychic Mind. HOW? Suppose you are a music lover, then your Diety could be music aspects such as the Muses; Minerva who invented the flute; or Apollo. Perhaps you are a Moon lover then you could pick aspects of Luna or Selene. Gods and Goddesses of all cultures can be utilized. Most Witches feel a special affinity for a Matron and Patron Goddess and God. These, like your Magick Name, are very personal and not widely shared knowledge.
Magick is a very special part of Wicca. It improves our lives and helps us to help Mother Earth, with whom we cohabit. It is a Religious Practice. It is part of how we live throughout the turning of the Wheel of the Year, the participation and a ttuning to the changing Seasons. Just as some rituals recognize and are held during the Lunar Phases, so to are some held in conjunction with Solar Phases. Those astronomical events of Solstices and Equinoxes.
Magick is not 'supernatural' but natural. And all of Nature is empowered with it. There is nothing mysterious about it nor is it from the Christian persona, Satan. It is direct action of energy set into motion. And its ultimate goal, as with all religeon; is the eventual perfection of Self, the Soul, the Divine Spark within us.
And though many would call themselves Witch, or Wiccan...true Craftors of the Art work magick only for positive effects. (Of course, opinions differ.) They adhere to the Rede: An' it harm none, do what ye wilt.
Meaning living trying to cause no harm to other people, no harm to other things, nor causing harm to Self.